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Tag: Massage

Goodbye to Neck Pain and Headaches

Neck Pain

Goodbye to Neck Pain and Headaches: Your Guide to Sports Therapy in Gloucester and Newent

Neck pain and headaches can be a real pain and disruptive to our daily lives. Making it tough to enjoy your day-to-day activities or sports. But hey, no worries! We are here at Fully Fit Therapy to lend a helping hand.

Here Rob specializes in dry needling(acupuncture), chiropractic techniques osteopathic mobilizations and Sports Massage techniques. Rob takes a holistic approach to tackle these issues head-on.

So, in this blog post, we're going to dive into the world of sports therapy/additional treatments and how it can bring you some much-needed relief from neck pain and headaches.

Getting a Grip on Neck Pain and Headaches:

Let's face it - neck pain and headaches can pop up for all sorts of reasons, like sports injuries or just a bad back from work. It's a bit of a puzzle, right? Well, guess what? We're putting the pieces together with some help from respected names in sports medicine, like Brukner and Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine. They've shown that combining acupuncture, chiropractic techniques, and osteopathic mobilizations can work wonders in reducing pain, easing headaches, and even boosting your athletic performance.

So, how exactly does sports therapy come into play?

Sports Therapy: Your Neck Pain and Headache Solution

Sports therapy is like a customized plan for you. We take a bunch of different techniques and make them work together just for you. Here's what we've got in our toolkit at Fully Fit Therapy:

  1. Acupuncture (Dry Needling): It might sound a bit intimidating, but it's actually super effective. We use tiny needles to target specific points on your body. This helps balance your energy flow and kick starts your body's natural healing powers. It's like hitting the reset button, reducing pain, and making you feel way better.

  2. Chiropractic Techniques: Our therapists are experts at these. They use precise adjustments and movements to get your spine back in line. When your spine is happy, your neck is happy too. It's all about getting things back to where they should be, which can really cut down on discomfort.

  3. Osteopathic Mobilizations: This is a hands-on technique that's all about improving joint mobility and relaxing your muscles. It's like a gentle massage for your neck and body. "Therapeutic Modalities in Rehabilitation" by Prentice has some good things to say about how this approach helps restore balance and ease discomfort.

  4. Rehab plan: Rob uses a graded exercise plan to get you back onto your feet and ease you back up to 100% again. It blends a mix of static and dynamic stretches through to basic exercises which then get more advanced as you progress. The rehab plan is key to restoring full function and fitness as well as putting plans in place to stop the injury reoccurring.

Fill out your details below to Instantly claim £20 off your first massage or injury treatment session!

Finding Us in Gloucester, Newent, and Beyond:

If you're on the hunt for a top-notch therapist in Gloucester, Newent, Hartpury or anywhere nearby, you're in the right place. At Fully Fit Therapy, we've got you covered. Rob is specialize in dry needling, chiropractic techniques, osteopathic mobilizations and sports massage . Plus, he is all about personalization. He will craft a treatment plan just for you, taking into account your unique challenges and what's causing your neck pain and headaches.

The goal at Fully Fit Therapy is simple: to help you say goodbye to neck pain and headaches. The approach blends all the modalities we've talked about today: acupuncture (dry needling), chiropractic techniques,osteopathic mobilizations and sports massage. This well-rounded and holistic approach is backed by the big names in sports medicine and has a proven track record of getting results. Our clients love it, and we're pretty sure you will too.

So, if you're ready to get rid of that disruptive neck pain and headaches today, get in touch. Rob is here to help you perform at your best and live a pain-free life.

How I use Massage to help Lower Back Pain

Massage Back Pain

Sport Massage for back pain

What you can expect from a Massage for Lower Back Pain

Most people receive massages in a place that is designated for it. The environments vary, but the most common is a commercial setting, such as a spa, wellness center, or massage clinic. 

However, massage is becoming increasingly common in other settings such as hospitals and rehabilitation clinics and with me in your own home! On site chair massage is also offered in environments such as airports, sporting events, or private parties. This article describes how a session works when I come to you. The experience may be different in other environments.    

Before The Massage for back pain

Before your massage, drink plenty of water. Make sure you don’t eat just before the treatment. Give yourself enough time to get ready for me to turn up, if you are rushing and are stressed, it will take longer to get into a relaxed state. I will talk to you about your health history and any problems you are experiencing. Make sure you tell me about any conditions you have or medicines you are taking.   

During The Massage for your back pain

I will do a thorough assessment of you back pain, looking at movements, pain referral and the surrounding joint ( hips and mid back) . From this I will build up a treatment plan. One part of this plan will be massage.

During the massage you will lie on a massage table. Make sure you are comfortable and let me know if you are not as pillows and cushions can be used to help make you comfier. 

Depending on how bad your back is I can adjust the techniques and methods by getting you to lie or sit differently to make it easier on your back.

Make sure to tell me if you are cold, want to be covered, don't want an area of your body worked on, or are experiencing discomfort with the technique or how it is being applied. 


Be as open to the process as you can. This will enable you to relax and try to let your thoughts go. Remember to breathe, as this helps you relax. In the same way, tightening your muscles during the massage is counterproductive. If you can't seem to relax your muscles, let me know and I can adjust the technique.

Finishing the Session on your Lower Back Pain

At the end of the session, I’ll leave the room so you can dress in private. Wait a few minutes on the table as you get grounded, especially if you feel light-headed. When you are up and dressed make sure you have a glass of water to help the body flush waste products. If possible, allow some quiet time after the massage and don't go back to work or other responsibilities immediately.

Afterwards I will go through an exercise plan to help relax your lower back muscles and also to start working on any areas which have weakened


Realise that the benefits of massage tend to be cumulative, so typically, you will feel better as you get additional massages.

Back doing Massage in Gloucester, Newent and Cheltenham

Hadn't realised how long it had been since my last update, so thought I thought I best get posting again!

Just like that we are nearly half way through May! It has been busy for me being back to normal with massage and injury treatment but light is at the end of the tunnel. 

With the joys of lockdown, I've also managed to complete my new training on the cervical spine and the jaw (really handy for tension headaches)

Lockdown and treatment wise I'm now back to normal seeing everyone! So if you've been putting off getting booked in now you have no excuses!!

Just a reminder of where I offer my massage and injury treatment:

  • Gloucester
  • Newent
  • Cheltenham
  • Tewkesbury
  • Forest of Dean

For those of you I have not seen recently, my referral offer is back on for May, so if anybody knows someone who has mentioned an injury or pain the past few months feel free to pass this onto them. They will thank you in the long run, plus it gets you both a great discount as well 


The Most Important Part of the Squat

​Following on from last weeks post and 6 top tips for your squat  i'm going to be talking about the most important part of the squat... this being DORSI-FLEXION

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​What's DorsiFlexion?

​Dorsiflexion is the movement of bringing the front of your foot towards your shin.

It's such a simple movement and is crucial for an array of things from walking and running, through to todays topic of squatting.

How Does This Apply To My Squat?

The most crucial movement in a squat is maintaining a neutral or slightly extended spine as you lower down.

Once your lower back rounds into flexion (think of a nice curvy C), your form breaks, and there is a very dangerous load on your lower back and muscles.

 This obviously is the opposite of what you want, you are actually looking for your glutes to be loaded and firing. This doesn’t happen when you have your nice curvy C rounded back.

In an ideal squat, you are shifting your weight back just like you’re sitting back into a chair. This chair however is invisible!

So you’ve checked your form, and you sit back into your ‘invisible chair’ the posterior, and you lower down close to 90 degrees…and, you feel like you can’t get any lower! You try to maintain the form above and stop the curvy C but you just can’t keep your back straight and go lower!

You feel perfectly strong enough, but you just can’t get any lower and feel stuck.

This is you having limited or poor​ or however you want to describe it dorsiflexion

​How to check for a lack or dorsiflexion

1. Squat normally, check the angle between your hips, knees, and ankles.

2. Slide some 1″ blocks, weight plates or even books under your heels. Squat again and re-check the angle.

I’m guessing it got easier?! And you could sit further back!

 If the answer to the above was “yes”, you have reduced dorsiflexion.

It’s a questionable strategy to squat with the blocks under your heels, but it may train you into a better motor pattern until you resolve your dorsiflexion problem.

​Research that backs this up...

Now onto the nitty gritty ​that backs ​up all of the above!

Ankle dorsiflexion with flexed and extended knee has been found correlate significantly with squat depth, accounting for 38.8 and 23.7% of the variance in male and female subjects, respectively (p<0.05).

Hemmerich et al. (2006) reported that the average ankle dorsiflexion angle required was 38.5 ±5.9° during a squat. This is because the ankle is an important part of the closed-chain movement during deep squatting activities, limited mobility and stability of the ankle joint could inhibit performance of the proximal joints.

Boys Vs Girls

An important part to also mention is the slight variation that has been found between genders. The    ROM    of    the    ankle    dorsiflexion is a major factor affecting squat depth in both genders, followed by the hip flexion ROM in  male  and  actually ankle  dorsiflexor  strength  in  females.

For Further reading

Kim, S. H., Kwon, O. Y., Park, K. N., Jeon, I. C., & Weon, J. H. (2015). Lower extremity strength and the range of motion in relation to squat depth. Journal of human kinetics, 45(1), 59-69.

Hemmerich A, Brown H, Smith S, Marthandam SS, Wyss UP. Hip, knee, and anklekinematics of high range of motion activities of daily living. J Orthop Res, 2006; 24: 770-781 Equipment for squatting

​What to do if my dorsiflexion is lacking?

​You can book a session in with me, where I can tailor a plan not just to help your dorislfexion  but help with all the other movements and joints that help form a perfect squat.

Alternatively wait till next week where I give some advice on improving your dorsiflexion

​Lastly in the near future i'll be starting skype sessions to go 1v1 anywhere in the world to help tailor a plan to you, subscribe below to find out when this will be launching!​

Click Below To Book In Today!

Your First Sport Massage

Sport Massage

Sport Massage

Your First Massage Session

The session is split up into three parts, general health details, reason for today lastly assessment and massage.

1. General details-

This is to begin with your basic information, DOB, Sport/Activity levels and your GP etc. Then this moves on to any contraindications (reasons to adjust the massage) examples of these varicose veins, broken bones, allergies. The last bit of this is you then signing confirming your happy with what we've gone through and happy with the massage session to proceed

2. Reason for today

This is going over why you booked in with me today? What are your aches and pains? How long have you had it? Has it changed since then? Does it change over a 24 hour period.

These are just a few of the questions I will ask to get to the bottom of your aches and pains. This will help make me aware that you maybe suited for an injury rehab session (this may still have a massage element)

3.  Assessment and Massage.

The last part is now the nitty gritty- I will assess your range of movement and muscular strength before the massage.

I will then start the massage and begin by doing lighter techniques to warm the area up, I will then move onto more deeper techniques all while checking with you the pressure and the technique is ok.

Hopefully now you have a good idea of what to expect from a massage with me- To book yourself in today click the link below

Click Below To Book In Today!