How Much Exercise Do You Need For An Office Job?
office High amounts of sedentary behaviour such as having an office job or spending time sat watching films and tv have been associated with increased […]
office High amounts of sedentary behaviour such as having an office job or spending time sat watching films and tv have been associated with increased […]
Has your New Years Resolution fallen by the way side?? Is your gym membership gathering dust, your language text book becoming a door stop or […]
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome otherwise known as shin splints are one of the most common injuries of the lower extremity. Most frequently seen in runners, […]
If you have any of the above it could be a muscle called Glute Medius and it’s weakness that is causing the problem. In a […]
Due to the shoulder being so mobile the most common issue that causes shoulder pain is the shoulder being instable in different movements. This instability […]
Why should you book in with me? and not a different Sport Therapist or a Physio?Well, a lot of people ask me what I do, […]
No one lifts more than powerlifters, so those big belts you see them wear must help fend off back injury right? Well umm no actually, […]
1001 steps, 1002 steps, 1003 steps…. Does this sound like you and your fitness tracker? Counting up your steps till you reach your magic number […]
Well 20 or so years ago the advice given for back pain was to rest/lie down, but research has now done a U turn and […]
Continuing from last week’s post- something else that links in well with stress and can exacerbate the symptoms that stress has on the healing of […]