The aim of the core is to stabilise the spine to create a stiff platform for both the hip and trunk. It prepares the body for loading, and keeps the core, hips and spine stable whilst loaded. When a person has a weak and unstable core, it can lead to developing many issues with the back, hip, knees and feet.

When you hear a lot of people say ‘yeah I just worked on my core today’, they then go onto say I just smashed some crunches or sit ups. This however, is only a small part of a person’s core i.e rectus abdominous. Other essential muscles that make up your core, are transverse abdominis, multifidus, and oblique abdominals.


All of the above muscles have been found to activate before any whole body movements occur. This means they need to be as strong as possible, to be the best platform to allow optimal production, transfer, and control of force during a whole body movement. Think squats, throwing, kicking or even reaching up to a high shelf in a supermarket, all of these movements will need your core engaged.

How do I strengthen these other muscles in my core?

Exercises which can help improve your core, are the plank, side plank and engaging your trans abdominal muscles by doing the abdominal draw. This is achieved by sucking your belly into your spine and still breathing normally. These exercises are a good building block for progressing into more dynamic exercises. The stronger these muscles are, the safer force can be transferred, and the less likely you will be to get injured. Therefore it is a win win situation!

For anyone who is interested the full article is from

Okada, T., Huxel, K. C., & Nesser, T. W. (2011). Relationship between core stability, functional movement, and performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 25(1), 252-261.

Chuter, V. H., de Jonge, X. J., Thompson, B. M., & Callister, R. (2014). The efficacy of a
supervised and a home-based core strengthening programme in adults with
poor core stability: a three-arm randomised controlled trial. British journal of sports medicine, bjsports-2013