It has been busy for me getting back to normal with treatments but also moving house and other reasons, but light is at the end of the tunnel (Hence the delay with this email)
Following on from my last mail I've been putting my Jaw mobilisation techniques into good use over the past month or so. I have been finding great results with clients who grind their teeth or have jaw pain.
Therefore if you know anyone who suffers from that, mention this to them and I'll be happy to chat.
A good bit of news in regards to moving house, I am hoping to also start working out of my home 1/2 days a week. Do no worry, the other 3/4 days I'll still be doing mobile and coming to you.
Lastly just a reminder for those of you I have not seen recently, my referral offer is still up and running (will be doing prizes for the top referrers), so if anybody knows someone who has mentioned an injury or pain the past few months feel free to pass this email onto them. They will thank you in the long run, plus it gets you both a great discount as well
5th September 2021
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