July monthly update – Mobile Massage and injury treatment

Just like that we are almost in July! This was meant to go out in the beginning of June… however technology decided to let me down on that one so here is a bit of a mashup so do bare with.

It has been busy for me being back to normal but light is at the end of the tunnel. Whilst having a bit of down time with how I was having to work during COVID lockdown I’ve managed to complete my new training on the cervical spine and the jaw (really handy for tension headaches)….

Since getting accredited in this I’ve already used this 8 or 9 times with some great feedback!

Just a reminder for those of you I have not seen recently, my referral offer is back on for June and now July, so if anybody knows someone who has mentioned an injury or pain the past few months feel free to pass this email onto them. They will thank you in the long run, plus it gets you both a great discount as well P.S Going to be prizes for the top referrers

Now onto a topic from just a few days ago with a new client and that is Massage and pain!

How Painful Should Massage Be?

Why do some massages hurt?

Everyone’s body type is different so we all respond differently to a massage treatment. It is unlikely that you will feel pain after a relaxing treatment such as Swedish massage. Often, regular massage clients don’t experience any negative effects after their treatment, whilst an irregular receiver that wants to use massage to help muscle pain, injury or chronic issue may experience a lot of discomfort.

No pain no gain?

The common belief that you have to experience pain to receive a positive massage outcome is a myth. In fact, usually “less is more” would be a more accurate statement to describe how much pressure should be experienced during a massage treatment.

There’s rarely any justification for extremely painful massage, unless it clearly produces a better result than gentler treatment.

It’s hard for patients to tell the difference between nasty pain that might be a necessary part of therapy, and ugly pain that is just abusive. Not everything that hurts is therapeutic, but not every therapeutic procedure is painless! How can we tell if an intense massage technique is therapeutic or not?

Here you can read more about what sort of pain is considered therapeutic during a massage treatment.

So there you go a little bit more information on massage and the pain you might feel!

If you’d like any more information feel free to drop me a message. That’s it from me for this time,

I look forward to seeing you soon!
